Size Guide

Shoe length is about half an inch or 1.25cm longer than foot length. e.g. a 10 inch foot needs a shoe last 10.5 inches long.
Measure your foot by standing with one foot on a ruler or tape measure with you weight balanced evenly on both feet. Read off the length of your foot by measuring the horizontal distance between your heel bone and your longest toe. You can, of course, mark the length of your foot on a piece of paper in the same way and measure between the marks. Use this measurement in either centimeters or inches in the table below.
European UK US women US men Internal Shoe inches

External Shoe inches

Internal Shoe cm External Shoe cm
36 3, 3½ 5½, 6 4, 4½ 8.46 9.44 21.5 24.0
37 4 5 8.66 9.64 22 24.5
38 5 6 9.05 10.03 23 25.25
39 5½, 6 8, 8½ 6½, 7 9.44 10.23 24 26.0
40 9 9.64 10.53 24.5 26.75
41 7, 7½ 9½, 10 8, 8½ 10.03 10.8 25.5 27.5
42 8 10½ 9 10.43 10.92 26.5 27.75
43 9 N.P. 10 10.62 11.31 27 28.75
44 N.P. 10½ 10.82 11.51 27.5 29.25
45 10½ N.P. 11½ 11.02 11.71 28 29.75
46 11, 11½ N.P. 12, 12½ 11.41 12.12 29 30.8
47 12 N.P. 13 11.51 12.40 29.25 31.5